Rules and Regulations

1. Students’ room allocation to be decided by the year tutors.
2. In order to maintain discipline, only 3 persons including parents will be allowed to visit resident Students’ in the designated area on every Friday from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm. Visitors will not be allowed at any other time except for emergencies subject to approval by the authority.
3. Students may not leave the campus without the permission of the hostel supervisor. For security reasons, students are not permitted to stay outside the campus after dark. During vacation, students may leave the premises accompanied by authorized persons previously approved by the guardians on records.
4. Students must be present at college campus to observe national days.
5. In case of illness, students are required to inform the hostel supervisor immediately for prompt treatment. For minor illnesses, students are provided treatment by the faculty doctors of GCCN.
6. The house mother supervises the daily housekeeping, cleaning and laundry services.
7. Students are not allowed to participate in any political activities.
8. Students must obey the rules and regulations of the college and the ordinance of BNMC and the University of Dhaka.
9. Any violation of rules and regulations will be subject to a penalty decided by the Academic Council.
10. Visitors and guests are not allowed in the living area of the hostel.